But the Dean's Recognisance Unit have been given different orders by the Archbishop and do not intend to link up with their doomed comrades.
Unbeknown to the other troops the Archbishop has spun a tale to these men in order to get them to attack deep within the Royalist territory and martyr themselves for the ‘greater good’ and his long term plans. They had been told that Anglican League re-enforcements with Yorkist armoured support will reach them by early Monday morning and all they have to do is take St. Cuthbert’s and hold it till then.
{But this is untrue, the Yorkist’s don’t officially know of any AL actions and no re-enforcements are planned. To add to this their best trained and equipped troops have another mission elsewhere and will not support them in their attack on Crayke. In fact the attack on the LDV Forest of Galtres Rangers HQ has two purposes. First as a key part to the Archbishop’s long term plans and as a diversion to draw patrol units, Regular forces and trigger happy BUF Mercs towards the area leaving other areas without support units and thereby weakened. More on this in another game ;) }
excellent layout and game, was wondering who makes the bridge as I am looking for something similar